
Educating frontline healthcare workers since 1994.

Hartman Publishing’s skills videos are here!

If you are a current adopter trying to access your videos using your school code, please go here: videos.hartmanonline.com.

Each Hartman video contains an introduction to the skill or topic, along with the needed supplies and equipment, which are listed slowly, giving the viewer time to pause or review the information before moving on. While the skill is being performed, a voiceover explains each step, often including a rationale for context.

Many videos have a longer explanation of the beginning and ending steps, while newer videos have a much briefer explanation. If instructors prefer their students see those longer sections, the newer videos can be supplemented with the separate video below on performing beginning and ending steps.

  • Performs Beginning and Ending Steps for Skills (5 min.)

NOTE: Some of these videos may be beyond the scope of practice for your course. If this is the case, please let your students know.


  • Washes Hands 2024 (2.5 min.)
  • Donning and Doffing a Full Set of PPE 2024 (3.5 min.)
  • Donning and Doffing a Full Set of PPE 2019 (4 min.)
  • Performing a Surgical Hand Scrub (2 min.)
  • Donning Sterile Gloves (2.5 min.)
  • Preparing a Sterile Field (2 min.)


  • Gives a Bed Bath (14 min.)
  • Provides Perineal Care (10 min.)
  • Provides Fingernail Care (6 min.)
  • Provides Foot Care (6 min.)
  • Provides Oral Care (5 min.)
  • Provides Oral Care for an Unconscious Resident (4 min.)
  • Cleans Upper and Lower Dentures (5 min.)
  • Dresses a Resident (9 min.)
  • Combing or Brushing Hair (2.5 min.)
  • Feeds a Dependent Resident (7 min.)
  • Assists with Use of Bedpan (7 min.)


  • Measuring Body Temperature (4 min.)
  • Counts and Records Radial Pulse (3 min.)
  • Counts and Records Respirations (3 min.)
  • Measures and Records Blood Pressure (7 min.)
  • Measures Electronic Blood Pressure (2 min.)
  • Measures and Records Weight of an Ambulatory Resident (3 min.)
  • Measures and Records Urinary Output (3 min.)
  • Provides Catheter Care for a Female Resident (6 min.)
  • Removing Sutures and Staples (2.5 min.)
  • Changing a Dry Dressing Using Nonsterile Technique (2 min.)
  • Applies One Knee-High Elastic Stocking (4 min.)
  • Makes an Occupied Bed (12 min.)
  • Makes an Unoccupied Bed (8 min.)
  • Performs Passive Range of Motion Exercises (11 min.)


  • Performing Routine Venipuncture (6 min.)
  • Performing Routine Capillary Puncture (4 min.)


  • Obtaining a 12-lead EKG (4 min.)
  • Applying an Ambulatory Monitor (2 min.)


  • Using Proper Body Mechanics (4 min.)
  • Positions on Side (5 min.)
  • Transfers from Bed to Wheelchair Using Transfer Belt (5 min.)
  • Transfers from Bed to Wheelchair Using Transfer Belt (Version 2 – Pivoting to Wheelchair) (6 min.)
  • Assists to Ambulate Using Gait Belt (7 min.)
  • Transferring a Patient Using a Mechanical Lift (4 min.)

We created a few videos specifically to help customers in Credentia testing states:

  • Dresses a Resident with an Affected Right Arm (5 min.)
  • Positions on Side Credentia (4 min.)
  • Gives a Modified Bed Bath (8 min.)

Deciding to produce and add to our video collection, focusing on the skills most often tested on the certification exam and most often requested, was the result of hundreds of conversations with instructors and program directors. Each video comes with closed captioning files in both English and Spanish if you need them.

We have chosen to give open access to the videos for all adopters of our books, which is included as part of the price of our textbooks.

Please click below to see a sample video. If you are a current adopter or are considering adopting one of our textbooks, please contact your sales representative, or call 800-999-9534 for more information.