Hartman's Complete Guide for the EKG Technician, 2nd Edition
Wilma Lynne Clarke, EdD, RN
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There are many existing resources for EKG interpretation, but Hartman’s Complete Guide for the EKG Technician is different. It is a comprehensive resource specifically for students working to become EKG technicians. Every aspect of the job is covered, from communicating with other care team members to measuring vital signs to placing electrodes accurately and conducting the full range of EKG tests. A rhythm interpretation chapter features detailed illustrations of normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms, based on real EKG tracings. Over 100 practice exercises, also based on actual EKGs, allow students to build their skills in measuring intervals, calculating heart rate, analyzing waveforms and regularity, and identifying rhythms.
Our book includes material on:
- The role of the EKG technician, including scope of practice, interpersonal skills, and ethics
- Foundational care skills such as measuring vital signs and following effective infection prevention practices (infection prevention material expanded in the second edition)
- Anatomy, physiology, and common diseases and disorders as these subjects apply specifically to the EKG technician’s work (updated to include COVID-19)
- Fundamentals of the cardiac conduction system and the function of the EKG machine, presented in an accessible but scientifically accurate manner
- 3-lead, 5-lead, and 12-lead EKG tests, including detailed diagrams for electrode placement and step-by-step procedures for the most commonly performed tests
- Adaptations to electrode placement and patient positioning that may be required due to various patient conditions
- Identifying and correcting artifact in the EKG tracing
- Identifying normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms on EKG tracings, with coverage of sinus, atrial, junctional, ventricular, heart block, artificially paced rhythms, and ST segment changes
- Recognizing and responding to emergencies, including the identification of potentially lethal cardiac rhythms on EKG tracings
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for Hartman's Complete Guide for the EKG Technician, 2nd Edition
This very affordable workbook is designed to help students review what they have learned from reading the textbook. It is organized around learning objectives, which work like a built-in study guide. Multiple choice, true/false, crosswords, critical thinking scenarios, and interpretation exercises based on real EKG strips test the student’s knowledge of each chapter. It also includes skills checklists and a practice exam for the certification test.
Instructor’s Guide
for Hartman's Complete Guide for the EKG Technician, 2nd Edition
The instructor’s guide to teaching from our textbook contains the following elements for every chapter: an overview of teaching strategies; page references for both the textbook and the student workbook; teaching outlines for every learning objective; and critical thinking activities that may include case studies, role-playing scenarios, games, or conversation starters. Appendices include a compilation of the textbook’s Quick Reference charts, a fillable chart for interpretation of cardiac rhythms, 160 additional EKG rhythm identification exercises, chapter review questions, two sets of chapter exams, a final exam, and a sample certification exam. The instructor’s website contains PowerPoint presentations for each chapter that complement the instructor’s guide content and include abbreviated lecture material, student-directed questions, and critical thinking questions related to the procedures.
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Textbook Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-60425-151-7 |
28.00 |
22.40 |
21.00 |
19.60 |
ISBN: 978-1-60425-152-4 |
12.00 |
9.60 |
9.00 |
8.40 |
Instructor’s Guide
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